Student Achiever

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Pinkesh Kumar Verma, Class X student of KV Kasrawad secured 2nd position in 48TH JAWAHARLAL NEHRU KVS NATIONAL SCIENCE EXHIBITION 2021 X 2020 - 2021

Pinkesh Kumar Verma, student of Class X, Kendriya Vidyalaya Kasrawad secured 2nd position in 48TH JAWAHARLAL NEHRU KVS NATIONAL SCIENCE EXHIBITION 2021. His project was titled:- Echo-location Specs: Boon for Blinds which helps in detecting objects in the way of blind people by reflecting Ultrasonic waves from the objects which is a lightweight and portable device and can be used as spectacles for blind people. This can help a great deal in making it easy for blind people to walk easily.

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